Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Birthday Boy

Four years ago today, a little man entered this world!

Although I was not around for the fun and amazing first years...

When I finally did meet this amazing little boy he instantly stole my heart!

Every year I'm amazed and greatful that I get to watch and help him grow up to became a man!For now I'm glad that he gets to stay a little boy for a little bit longer!

Happy Birthday LANDON!!

Happy Birthday Landon!!!

Last night while Landon was sleeping, Nick & I blew up lots of balloons and filled his room with them!!

Nick went into work late so that we could both be there to wake Landon up this morning and show him his surprise!!

He LOVED all the balloons!!! He played with them all morning until it was time to go to school!!!


Friday, August 27, 2010

On this day..

So, there is a rumor going around that today is my birthday. 22 (wink, wink) years ago today I was born.
I thought maybe we'd have a little blast from the past and visit with the ghost of birthdays past! Without the scary Scrooge spirits!

Jayme Adele Fernandez, August 27, 1978

First birthday!!

1981 -Jenny Turley & me

1982 -Scott, Me & Carrie

This year for my birthday I got a brand new baby sister! -Poor her!

**we're jumping a few years here...**



Almost every year we would visit my grandparents for the summer and since my sister, aunt and my birthday are in the month of August we would have a "party" for the three of us.


Again with the side pony tail!!! Wow!


Finally got rid of that side pony tail! But obviously this was before I found make-up! Geez! love those awkward stages of tween years!


This year I had a slumber party at my apartment! Big girl slumber parties are the best! -And yes that is a wine bottle opener in my hand =}


My 30th -I mean, 20th birthday! (Peoria Unified School District math there people!) Josalyn decorated my desk at work and MADE me wear this silly hat glasses and necklace ALL day long!!! It was awesome!! ( do I spy Better Than Sex cake in the background!? yummm!!!)


The best so far! This is the first birthday I spent with my hubs! -That's him sitting next to me. the white shirt- Also, all my friends were there for dinner at Bennihanas!! (yum!)

I can't wait for all the future birthdays to spent with my husband and AWESOME friends!!

So bring it on ghost of birthday future!! I'm ready for ya!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

California boys!

For the longest time Nick has wanted to take Landon to the beach and we were finally able to go!! We only stayed for the weekend but we had a good time.

Nick and Landon built a sand castle!

**Fort Landon**

But the natives got restless....

**which is the best part I always say!**

Landon had fun running from the waves and chasing the birds.

We even made some new friends on our walk at night!

This little guy was ready to brawl!! It's a good thing I looked down!


Can't wait for our next trip to California!!!

I hear that in 2012 they will have a new Cars ride!!!!

Cow-a-bunga DUDE!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

MORE birthday FUN!

Since Landon's birthday is at the end of the month and he usually has to go back to Missouri right before or after (depending on the year) his birthday Nick and I decided to let him open his presents from us early so he has a chance to play with them.

We went to Peter Piper Pizza with the Kammeyer's. Landon opened his presents and played some games.

**Nick was warned a head of time that this...

was OFF LIMITS!** If you missed that go here.

Now Landon has 2 whole weeks to play with his new toys before he heads back to Missouri!!

Birthday fun!

This year Jordan turned the big 10!! A little too old for a birthday "party".

(Me and Jordan Aug 5, 2000)

sniff, sniff..

But, we had to celebrate anyway! We joined him and his family for lunch at Fudruckers! YUM!

As you can see he receieved A LOT of legos for his birthday. It was fun and the boys seemed to have a good time!

(Me and Jordan August 2010)

To the Moon…

Nick had the great idea to shoot off rockes with Landon. The first challenge was to find a safe place to do it.

First we stopped by the field near our house...

Ummmm... NO!! I see brush fire written all over this!

Not to mention the business that boarders this field... YICKES!!! Nick claims that these HUGE tanks are empty because they lack the hazardous materials sticker to warn you of what they are. But I say, let's not take the chance!!!

So we found a field at a nearby park that didn't have a lot people and the field was green enough not to call the fire department.

They set up the rocket.

3.... 2....



And away it goes!!!

Boys and their toys!!!

*I can't wait to play dress-up and tea party!* Someday.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's about time!!!

Our wedding picutres are FINALLY available to view online!!! I'm VERY excited!!!! Anyone can order pictures if they want straight from the website!
So without further ado....
Just click on the following link and it will take you to the website to order and preview.
***Warning!*** There are 724 pictures. So make sure you have the time and a snack before you start viewing the pictures!!
Also, I wanted to send a special thanks to Kelly Jarman for taking all of these wonderful pictures!! I love every single one of them!! (Almost.)