So, there is a rumor going around that today is my birthday. 22 (wink, wink) years ago today I was born.
I thought maybe we'd have a little blast from the past and visit with the ghost of birthdays past! Without the scary Scrooge spirits!
Jayme Adele Fernandez, August 27, 1978
First birthday!!
1981 -Jenny Turley & me
1982 -Scott, Me & Carrie
This year for my birthday I got a brand new baby sister! -Poor her!
**we're jumping a few years here...**
Almost every year we would visit my grandparents for the summer and since my sister, aunt and my birthday are in the month of August we would have a "party" for the three of us.
Again with the side pony tail!!! Wow!
Finally got rid of that side pony tail! But obviously this was before I found make-up! Geez! love those awkward stages of tween years!
This year I had a slumber party at my apartment! Big girl slumber parties are the best! -And yes that is a wine bottle opener in my hand =}
My 30th -I mean, 20th birthday! (Peoria Unified School District math there people!) Josalyn decorated my desk at work and MADE me wear this silly hat glasses and necklace ALL day long!!! It was awesome!! ( do I spy Better Than Sex cake in the background!? yummm!!!)
The best so far! This is the first birthday I spent with my hubs! -That's him sitting next to me. the white shirt- Also, all my friends were there for dinner at Bennihanas!! (yum!)
I can't wait for all the future birthdays to spent with my husband and AWESOME friends!!
So bring it on ghost of birthday future!! I'm ready for ya!