Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prego Update -38 weeks

How far along? 38 weeks. Our baby is now the size of a pumpkin.
Total weight gain/loss: 21 lbs
Sleep: Sleep? What is that?!

Best moment this week: FINALLY not being sick!
Movement: More rolling movements than jabs. She is definitely out of room.
Food cravings: Nothng
Gender: Beautiful baby GIRL!
Labor Signs: Some contractions but nothing serious. But she did drop! Yippie!
Belly Button in or out? Still hangin' on to an innie!
What I miss: Being comfortable at all. Sitting, laying down, walking, etc.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting my daughter!
Weekly Wisdom: Walking to start labor is an old wives tale! And sex, was started by husbands that know they aren't going to get any for awhile! I tried it all, and NOTHING is working!
Milestones: She has dropped into my pelvis and contractions have started (I think)!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Prego Update -37 weeks

How far along? 37 weeks. Our baby is now the size of a watermelon.
Total weight gain/loss: 21 lbs
Sleep: Sleep? What is that?!

Best moment this week: Spending some alone time with Nick.

Movement: I can totally grab her foot now. So WEIRD!

Food cravings: Dairy Queen Blizzards. Although I try not to eat them, or tell Nick I want them. He is horrible at self control. I would have a Blizzard everyday if it were up to him. (Love that guy!)

Gender: Beautiful baby GIRL!

Labor Signs: None this week. What the heck! Isn't she excited to see me!? Get OUT of my BELLY!
Belly Button in or out? Still hangin' on to an innie!

What I miss: Being able to pick things up and/or move things on my own!  Very annoying for this independent girl!

What I am looking forward to: Meeting my daughter! (Holy weird to say out loud!)

Weekly Wisdom: Ummm... I guess this is a good time to pack a hospital bag.. How much crap could I possibly need, right?!

Milestones: We are OFFICIALLY full term people! Let's have a baby!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Prego Update -36 weeks

How far along? 36 weeks. Our baby is now the size of a coconut.

Total weight gain/loss: approx 21 lbs (AAH! 3 lbs in 1 week! YIKES!)

Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning. I think I'm up every few hours.

Best moment this week: Had some REAL contractions (I think) but they didn't last long.

Movement: Seems like more pressure down low but still not sure she's fully dropped.

Food cravings: Mexican! YUM!

Gender: Beautiful baby GIRL!

Labor Signs: Once or twice. But nothing serious or continuous.

Belly Button in or out? Still hangin' on to an innie!

What I miss: Tying my own shoes!! Nick officially has to tie them for me ={

What I am looking forward to: Finally holding this baby!

Weekly Wisdom: Laying tile is not the best idea at this point!

Milestones: Finally had some real contractions!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pretty in Pink & Grey!!

This weekend was the shower for Leia and it was

In absolutely every way possible!
The decorations and food...
Oh my GOSH! The food was VERY yummy!!  Chicken salad sandwiches, orzo salad, strawberry salad, veggies, fruit, and Sprinkles cupcakes!! Delish!

The games..
Usually I HATE shower games! Like HATE them! Mostly because they are lame or hard for people that don't have kids and since I've been to about a Billion baby showers I've pretty much played them all. I didn't want anyone to feel excluded so at first I didn't want to play games at all.
But my awesome hostesses found some new games (and a couple old games) and it was a great time!

We had to play the belly/string game... Basically you try to guess how big around the momma-to-be's belly is. It's usually pretty funny to see just how LARGE some guests think you are. Josalyn won this game! She was within millimeters! I'm not sure I've seen anyone get that close before!

And holy cow did this little girl get S.P.O.I.L.E.D!!!

Beautiful handmade gifts!!

Even my sister Carrie got in on the handmade craftiness!
I <3 handmade gifts!

And even beautiful store bought gifts!!

All I can say is HOLY FREAKIN' COW!!!

Her crib was FULL of clothes and awesome blankets! She will NEVER be cold!

THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone!!!!
We are so loved!!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Prego Update -35 weeks

How far along? 35 weeks. Our baby is now the size of a butternut squash.

Total weight gain/loss: approx 18 lbs

Sleep: Tossing and turning. Can't sleep on my back anymore ={

Best moment this week: Landon getting to see the baby on the ultrasound machine for the last time!

Movement: When my belly touches the desk at work, she like to rub her foot along it.

Food cravings: No food, but I do have an obsession right now with lemon smells!

Gender: Beautiful baby GIRL!

Labor Signs: occasional Braxton Hicks

Belly Button in or out? Still hangin' on to an innie!

What I miss: STILETTOS!

What I am looking forward to: Baby SHOWER!

Weekly Wisdom: Wearing tennis shoes and walking is the ONLY thing that helps swollen feet.

Milestones: The baby's room is FINISHED!!! All it needs is a baby!

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Heuers -Maternity Pictures

YEAH!!! I finally figured it out!!

So, without further adieu.....

(drum roll please...)

Maternity Pictures 2012
all of the following pictures were taken by Josalyn Kammeyer

(one of my favorites!)

(my next favorite!)

The remaining pictures are ALL of Landon 'cause he is such a cutie pie!!!
(all of these pictures were taken by me)

I call these last three is Abercrombie photo shoot!

(my favorite!)
He's so handsome!!

I have to say i <3 BIG PUFFY HEART the library pictures! They turned out better than I had thought!
Thank you so much Josalyn for taking time away from your family to help me take pictures of mine!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Maternity pics TEASER!

This weekend we took some maternity pictures while Landon was in town. I'm still working on editing and getting them to show up here the right way!

But for now here's a little teaser of more to come!!